About me

Me and My Girls

I’m Will, a software engineer focusing largely on medium to large-scale distributed systems and services. I’m an avid family man, currently residing in Orlando, FL. working on a myriad of interesting problems.

I’m a huge stickler for the clenliness of code, in my personal opinion clearly communicating the intent of the software that practicioners such as myself create is far too often overlooked in the interest of delivering something, anything, quickly.

Some of my favorite technical books: Clean Code, The Pragmatic Programmer, Code Complete, The Mythical Man Month, Peopleware, Go in Action, Spring in Action Some of my favorite non technical books: The Power of a Praying Husband, The Help, Standing on the Sun: How the Explosion of Capitalism Abroad Will Change Business Everywhere, Fixing the Game: Bubbles, Crashes, and What Capitalism Can Learn from the NFL, The Alchemist, and How to Win Friends and Influence People.